Free Desktop Pictures Biography
Ryan Bliss
I have been running Digital Blasphemy since 1997. It's been my full time job since 1999. I am fortunate to be one of a handful of people on the planet who makes a living by creating 3D computer wallpaper. What started as a hobby has become one of the more recognized destinations for computer art on the web with over 15,000 current paid subscribers.
Once Upon a Time...
I've always had images and stories floating in my head. When I was very young my father and my grandfather would make up bedtime stories to put me to sleep(we didn't have many books that I can recall). My older brother Eric liked to pretend he was a teacher. He would come home from school and try to teach me all the stuff he had learned that day.
Perhaps that's why I had a hard time paying attention in school: I had heard most of it before. I was a real daydreamer, always drawing pictures or staring out the window. I was a 'B' student, giving up the 'A' in favor of fantasy.
When I was in the sixth grade my brother introduced me to "The Odyssey". I became fascinated by greek mythology and I read everything I could on the subject. That lead me to reading other works of fantasy like "Dune", "The Lord of the Rings", "The Belgariad", etc. I loved escaping into fantasy worlds and soon began dreaming up worlds of my own
I spent a good portion of my early teenage years either reading fiction or writing it. I wanted to be a writer when I grew up and I chose to attend the University of Iowa so I could work with the Iowa Writers Workshop.
Unfortunately, my experience with the workshop wasn't very successful. Mostly because I wrote potboilers and they seemed to be looking for the next Joyce. Still, I graduated in 1995 with a degree in English.
My Mom always spent money we didn't have to feed my creative side. When I was 12 she gave me an old type-writer on which I wrote my first stories and she bought me an electronic word-processor which got me through college. My college graduation present was my first computer.
The idea with the computer was that I could write my first novel and store the whole thing on disk rather than using up stacks of paper and countless typewriter ribbons. The computer was a Compaq 486/66 with 8 MB of RAM, 14" monitor, 350 MB hard disk. It didn't have a modem. It did, however, come with a copy of Aldus Photostyler (an early rival of Photoshop) and Kai Power Tools. Whenever I made a picture I would set it as the wallpaper on my machine so my roommates could see it and give me feedback. That's how I started making wallpapers (I designed the images to fit the screen dimensions perfectly). I've still have to write that novel someday...

Ryan Bliss
I have been running Digital Blasphemy since 1997. It's been my full time job since 1999. I am fortunate to be one of a handful of people on the planet who makes a living by creating 3D computer wallpaper. What started as a hobby has become one of the more recognized destinations for computer art on the web with over 15,000 current paid subscribers.
Once Upon a Time...
I've always had images and stories floating in my head. When I was very young my father and my grandfather would make up bedtime stories to put me to sleep(we didn't have many books that I can recall). My older brother Eric liked to pretend he was a teacher. He would come home from school and try to teach me all the stuff he had learned that day.
Perhaps that's why I had a hard time paying attention in school: I had heard most of it before. I was a real daydreamer, always drawing pictures or staring out the window. I was a 'B' student, giving up the 'A' in favor of fantasy.
When I was in the sixth grade my brother introduced me to "The Odyssey". I became fascinated by greek mythology and I read everything I could on the subject. That lead me to reading other works of fantasy like "Dune", "The Lord of the Rings", "The Belgariad", etc. I loved escaping into fantasy worlds and soon began dreaming up worlds of my own
I spent a good portion of my early teenage years either reading fiction or writing it. I wanted to be a writer when I grew up and I chose to attend the University of Iowa so I could work with the Iowa Writers Workshop.
Unfortunately, my experience with the workshop wasn't very successful. Mostly because I wrote potboilers and they seemed to be looking for the next Joyce. Still, I graduated in 1995 with a degree in English.
My Mom always spent money we didn't have to feed my creative side. When I was 12 she gave me an old type-writer on which I wrote my first stories and she bought me an electronic word-processor which got me through college. My college graduation present was my first computer.
The idea with the computer was that I could write my first novel and store the whole thing on disk rather than using up stacks of paper and countless typewriter ribbons. The computer was a Compaq 486/66 with 8 MB of RAM, 14" monitor, 350 MB hard disk. It didn't have a modem. It did, however, come with a copy of Aldus Photostyler (an early rival of Photoshop) and Kai Power Tools. Whenever I made a picture I would set it as the wallpaper on my machine so my roommates could see it and give me feedback. That's how I started making wallpapers (I designed the images to fit the screen dimensions perfectly). I've still have to write that novel someday...
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